
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gaspy2 Trial Run vs. Kreoss2

Lich Lord Asphyxious or as many people know him, Gaspy2. A very clever name to say the least. I have been meaning to try him out for some time but I have not been able to get around to it until last Wednesday at my weekly Warmahordes League.

Unfortunately I do not own the model but I do have the Cryx faction book. So I just proxied him with a medium base and my match was under way.

Just for the hell of it, I decided to proxy in some Bile Thralls. I had no idea if I was going to win or loose the match, I just wanted to get in some practice with him and the Biles so I could see if they are to my style of play.

My match was against a friend who was using Grand Exemplar Kreoss or Kreoss2 to some. He also brought along a Paladin of the Order of the Wall and some Exemplar Bastions along with him. Note this wasn't his full list but I was really only worried about these units. Oh, and Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios.

Now my group consisted of; Gaspy2, a full unit of bile thralls, full unit of bane thralls (I am probably hearing a lot of people screaming "Why not bane knights!?" to answer this, money is tight.) a skarlock thrall, one deathripper and a free slayer.

I started first and for the first two turns, it was my units running up the field why Gaspy2 was laying down caustic mists as much as possible. Reason being because of a Heavy Jack that had a large cannon on the opponents team.

Now some of you are familiar with the technique known as the "Bile Bomb." If done right, this technique can and will destroy waves of single hit infantry units. If you are lucky enough to have you opponent play to your likings, you might be able to hit a couple of heavies, lights, solos or maybe even get a random shot on the enemies leader. This involves the use of the Bile Thralls that I proxied in. These units are pretty much bullet magnets. They have absolutely pathetic stats but most people know what they can do. They have a special ability called "Purge" which automatically hits anything in its front arc in a set distance. The damage is barely in the double digits but the nice thing is that it also applies corrosion to anything it hits. So if you happened to hit a single box unit with the purge but didn't kill them, don't worry. There is 66% chance they will die next turn. Since this was my first match with Gaspy2 I didn't want to be THAT guy or girl (don't want to be sexist here) who pulls a one turn Bile Bomb. If you don't know what this technique is capable of doing, please watch this video. It will enlighten you on the obscenely stupid amounts of destruction you can sow.

Once the third round came into play, I was ready to take out the first priority target of my friend's army. Eiryss. She is absolutely stellar for whoever can take her. I have learned my lesson from her before as she can and will strip off all of the focus on your warcaster if she can drawn line of sight to them. To make matters worse, you do not replenish your focus for one round. This is a huge setback to all warcasters as this means no spells, no boosted anything, no allocating focus and no overboosted power field. She pretty much sets up the caster assassination run like nobodies business. Thankfully I was able to take this solo out first which saved me from a lot of trouble down the road.

Next, I tried out a purge just for SaG. I was able to hit a few units with it, but nothing major since my friends units were all multi hit along with an ability that says we can split the damage between our entire unit instead of one person take the full brunt of it. Then it was time for the banes to charge in.
I was only able to kill two of his bastion units, but that was alright for me. The remaining 3 bastions were out of range of the other banes.

I knew that my friends turn was going to be crushing but I didn't realize how bad it was going to be. He moved Kreoss2 in, blasted two of my thralls to oblivion with spells. Then Kreoss used his feat. This was the killer. His feat says that every friendly model in his control range gets an extra attack and auto hits in melee...let me start with this. His heavy jack two hit killed my little deathripper. The remaining bastions killed all but 1 of my bane thralls. His paladin, other solo and light tore through my bile thralls like a hot knife through Jello. 

Normally I would be shaking in my boots if something like this happened with another caster. This was not the case. The next round was going to be the final one of the night If I didn't do something. His heavy was able to charge my caster the next turn, so I did what Cryx is known for...I played dirty.

I moved my slayer in to take out another solo of his that had been a thorn in my side. Then I had Gaspy2 charge one of the bastions. Before my charge ended, I used Gaspy2's feat. What his feat does is it can bring back up to 10 warrior unit models that have been killed, give them incorporeal and undead while turning them into solos for one round. Once their turn comes up, they MUST charge. Now continuing on with the charge attack, I was able to kill the bastion in question which aided in my plan. I was able to place 9 of my recently re-deceased bane thralls back onto the table and with some fanangling, on their turn, 4 of them were able to get the charge off on Kreoss2. The second Bane Thrall was able to take Kreoss2 down and win the match for me. (I know, had I used bane knights I would have had more to get to him and this was true. We tested this out with proxied knights and I would have been able to get 7 bane knights to charge Kreoss2. I am not sure if the damage would have outweighed the thralls though.)

All in all, it was a fun and destructive match and Gaspy2, along with some Bane Knights, are on my list of models to acquire next.

I think I have started to grow in experience using the Cryx and I think I have become decent with them. I am however, far off from being a good match up for some of the other league members and the other Warmahordes players that I know in the outlying area. When it all comes down to it though, page 5 it. "Play like you have a pair."

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